This is the story of some kids, 21-27 years old, who defied Nazi Germany in the name of morality and humanity. They made the world more human and more fraternal, though they were killed by the Nazi "National Security Courts" of their time, the People's Court.
Favorite Quote:
Sophie Scholl shocked everyone in the courtroom when she remarked to [Judge] Freisler: "Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare to express themselves as we did." Later in the proceedings, she said to him: "You know the war is lost. Why don't you have the courage to face it?"
Shows the involvement of Israel and the Israeli lobby, especially AIPAC, in US politics and foreign policy arrangements.
Favorite Quote:
Likewise, the conceptual theory of foreign policy, that traces the origin of a given government’s actions in the international arena to abstract ideas and official ideologies, is utter nonsense. This confuses the rationalization with the motivation. Ideals, noble and ignoble, are the masks behind which governments conceal their real goals, which can be boiled down to a single purpose: the maintenance and expansion of the ruling elite’s power on the home front.
3. Iran Sanctions are a Precursor to War. by Ron Paul
I think the title is 'nuff said.
Favorite Quote:
As bad as other regimes may be, it is up to their own people to deal with them so they can achieve true self-determination. When foreigners instigate regime change, the new government they institute is always perceived as serving the interest of the overthrowing country, not the people. Thus we take the blame for bad governance twice. Instead, we should stay out of their affairs altogether.
4. Joe Scarborough on War, keynote at
Favorite Quote:
In 2010, there’s not much difference between the Republicans’ view on foreign policy and the Democrats’ view of foreign policy,” said Scarborough. “President Obama… this anti-war president, has doubled the number of troops to Afghanistan to nearly 100,000… and he’s continued the transformation of the Afghanistan effort from a counterterrorism mission to a nation-building mission.”
5. The Wars of Tribe and Faith, by Pat Buchanan
The anti-war old Rightist Pat Buchanan writes about the ethnonationalism of the Middle East. I find it fascinating how our ignorance of tribal and ethnic ties in the Middle East have now come back to haunt us as we impose democracy around the world (bombing people into freedom).
Favorite Quote:
In 2005, George W. Bush, then promoting global democracy as the answer to all of mankind’s ills and an essential precondition for any permanent security for the United States, demanded free elections in Egypt, Lebanon, and Palestine. The winners: the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas [in Palestine]. A perplexed Bush refused to accept the results or recognize and talk to the winners.
6. Follow That Story! by Justin Raimondo
Justin Raimondo brings up two major stories with the Iraq invasion that were never followed up by the Justice Department or the mainstream media. He brings them up and refreshes us on the insidious details.
Favorite Quote:
Expecting Congress to investigate these brazen violations of law and US national security is almost as pointless as waiting for the US media to pursue the story – i.e., forget it, and down the Memory Hole it goes. Here at, however, these stories are still alive, because that’s why we’re here – to debunk the lies and keep reminding you of who told them.